October 28, 2011

Where does the time go?

Looking back on things I am not really sure what Stacey and I did with all our free time before we had the girls.  These days it seems like there is little time to sleep let alone anything else.  What did I do Monday nights before I had to take the girls to dance?  Where did we go before we had to make plans weeks in advance to secure a babysitter?  I think the days just must be getting shorter :)

Seriously, these days I don't think that I work any more then I used too, in face I know that I put in less nights at the office since the girls were born.  Yet it took me an hour last night just to get some things put away and in order.  Part of the problem is that the girls have way to many toys.  20 baby dolls is more then enough for two little girls (Just so you know Stacey and I will put out a hit on anyone who dares to buy a baby doll for the girls birthday or Christmas this year....think we are kidding, just try us.  And no I don't really care that the girls keep saying they just want a baby doll).  I did what any good mom would do after spending an hour cleaning up, I sat and read the girls a book, put them to bed, and had a glass of wine!  Go ahead and laugh, but I have given in to my OCD and am learning to accept the fact that my house will never be the spotless envy of my friends.  I have two kids, and well let's face it a husband, and so my house will be clean, but not spotless.  If you come over you may have to move a toy or two around.  I don't have to run the vacuum everyday and the beds may or may not get made. 

Instead I will use my time having fun with family and friends.  Just to prove my point the girls will enjoy an evening with Nana and Papa and Stacey and I will have a date night.  The two dishes in the sink can wait until tomorrow and our closets are full of clothes so the mountain of laundry (ok maybe I am exaggerating a little there) can wait until Saturday. 

Since I can't add hours to the day, I will just have to enjoy the ones I have.  After all someone will clean it all up after I am gone :). 

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