November 13, 2011


Stacey and I have long been experiencing the man in the mirror.  Take two four year olds and you can see and hear exactly what you do and say.  I can hear Ella tell her baby that she is so proud of her and I can see Grace check her reflection in every mirror she walks by.  Both of these the girls get from me.  I can hear Ella yell "damn dog" and know that every morning Grace just needs a few minutes to herself and then she will be ready for the day and know with confidence that comes from Stacey. 

Aside from the fact they act like you, they will tell you when you do something wrong.  A few weeks again I called a driver dumb for the way they drove, and Ella and Grace quickly reminded me that we don't use the word stupid that is not nice.  This weekend it was a hoot to hear Ella correct nana.  While driving down Quivira with nana, she ran a yellow light (yes yellow not red).  Ella quietly from the back seat said nana why did you not stop?  Nana said it was yellow not red and Ella said, "nana yellow means stop."  Nana explained that we had been stoped by about 3 red lights and she did not feel like stopping.  Ella quickly told her that you need to slow down and stop when the light turns yellow.  Nana was less then impressed with the knowledge and being told how to drive from a 4 year old in the back seat, but I was beaming.  I know that she pays attention and is trying to keep us all safe. 

Next time nana will know that when Ella is in the car she needs to obey all traffic laws and watch what she says and does. 

For those who wonder, Grace decided to stay home with Papa rather then go shopping.  Just more proof that I am raising a papa's girl.  She would rather hang at home with him then go shopping with the girls. 

Also for those who might wonder, nana was less then thrilled that I posted the story to facbebook and I am sure she is loving this post.   

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