Children never cease to amaze me and there is never a dull moment when a child is around (trust me if there is something big is about to happen). So let me set the scene.
It is Saturday morning and Ella has gotten up at 6:00 a.m. and Stacey got her set watching cartoons and then came back to bed and fell back to sleep like the rest of us. The three of us get up at 7:00 and I started breakfast. We needed to leave by 9:20 for our 10:00 pictures (or so I thought). I waited as long as possible before showering both girls and getting them dressed. The only instructions was to spend the next hour not eating, drinking, or getting into anything. Anyone with kids is most likely laughing now knowing this is impossible.
Just as Stacey was getting ready to cut his hair and take a shower, I realized that our photos were at 9 not 10 and we needed to leave in 10 minutes. I will spare you the story, but we made it only 10 minutes late which is not bad.
We arrive at this nice studio and the girls have gotten over the idea that I would not let them color in the truck with markers on the way. They are both little hams so they are so excited when we get to choose the background and start getting set up. Like a good mom I take one last look over them before sending them to the camera. Grace reminds me that I was going to do lip gloss on them and I have to now explain that I left it at home and pray there is no meltdown coming. "Don't worry mommy I have it here in my pocket," Grace says. So as she is taking it out I realize that she has a few other things in her pocket. Now here is what every girl needs to take with her to a photo shoot: lip gloss, pink ribbon, hair clip, and oh yeah a pink handgun (fake of course). I about fell over laughing. When I asked why she brought this stuff, "You just never know when you might need to a gun or lip gloss mom." At least she will be prepared for anything.
Hahaha ... a gun and lip gloss. Of course! :)