So tonight Grace decided that from the time we asked her to come to the table to eat dinner she was going to challenge us. Tonight I decided that I needed a win.
So at 6:00 p.m. the precious little girl turned into someone I did not recognize. I should have known not to ask her to eat chicken, carrots, and bread (a meal she loved last week)...I mean really how dare I think that she should eat dinner before getting a snack. 30 minutes later when she realized that she was loosing this battle, she ate her dinner. Win number 1 for mom!
She was whining that she was not going to get her snack since I foolishly thought she should take a bath first. Stacey gave Ella a bath while Grace cried to me in the kitchen. After 10 minutes, Ella and Stacey went out to have some fun in the yard and Grace got put in the bath. She promptly told me that there was not enough water and she was not getting in (with her arms crossed and a stance that she though made her look powerful). After being undressed and placed in the tub she proceeded to tell me that she was not washing until she got more water. At this point her challenges were getting rather fun and I was very proud that I was keeping my cool. After washing her while she screamed and splashed I was happy to take her out of the tub and put on her pjs.
She demanded her snack as Ella bounced in the house with her poptart ready to watch a TV show. After being ignored she decided that it would be fun to pitch a fit and stomp her feet. I decided that at 7pm it was bedtime for little miss thing! Score when she came down 10 minutes later said she was sorry and asked nicely for her snack. I figured she had learned her lesson and gave her 1 ice Popsicle. When she was told that she was only getting 1 she began to pitch a fit and got the Popsicle taken away. The look on her face was worth all the struggle with that "oh I know you just did not take that away from me" when she got put back up to bed.
Let's just say that I won tonight in a great victory with a little girl going to bed early with no snack! It was comforting to call my mom and tell her the story and hear paybacks are hell.....just you wait mom someone will have to take care of you in your old age and paybacks might just be hell :).
All in all feeling like a pretty successful parent right now and looking forward to starting again tomorrow.
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