August 18, 2011

I know everything

The day we found out it was twins, I laughed and Stacey about passed out.   We had no idea the adventure we were in for.  We have lived through the not sleeping, double fits, double diapers, and yet we are still standing.  We also have the joy of double hugs, double kisses, and double the snuggling!

We have come to accept that the girls don't like being apart.  We deal with the late night talking when they should be going to bed, because we love the fact that they are so close.  However, double the preschool drama I could live without.

I dropped off the girls for their first day of their new "ladybug preschool" and Grace informed me it was not their first day since they have been going there almost two months, but rather just the first day with actual all day preschool instead of play.  " I thought you knew everything" she said.  So when I picked them up I asked how their day was and what they did.  Grace again tells me that I don't know everything or I would already know what they did.  It is about this point that I want to reach around in the back seat and show her what I do know, but I am smarter then that (or so I thought).  I glance over at their daily record sheet and proceed to tell her everything that she did.  Ella is impressed and comes to my defense and says "see Grace mommy does know everything, dad is the one who doesn't" (I don't play favorites, but at this point she is my favorite child ever). 

With a big smile on her face Grace, being just like her dad, asks me "if you know everything whose birthday did we celebrate today?"  (smart a@@ was the first thing that came to mind). 

Now I know that I don't know everything, but up until now I have been pretty good at answering all questions with an explanation that seems to satisfy.  Since when did my 4 year old become so smart as to outsmart her mommy? 

So to miss Grace, mommy does not know everything, but mommy knows a lot more then you so there :)! 

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