August 8, 2011

Home Away from Home

We have been taking the girls to the lake camping since they were 3 months old.  (For those who know me, I should clarify that by camping I mean we have had a travel trailer and now we have a fifth wheel camper).  While there have been nights that Stacey and I looked at each other and thought why are we in this camper instead of our house which has so much more room, we have made the best memories as a family.  It is the one place where we can get away from all technology (ok well stacey's cell phone works, but that is it) and just put our work behind us. 

The girls know our "camping neighbors" by their vehicles and campers.  They talk all about those who have boats around us and don't understand why we would stay home to get things done at the house when we could be swimming!  Put the girls in a pool and they are a little timid, but they don't think twice about jumping into a lake.   

This past weekend the girls decided to put their heads together and come up with a plan.  You see nana and papa Jayhawk (ie Dan and Celeste) also come to the lake.  The girls decided that since nana and papa did not get out on their boat like they said they would, that they should get to spend the night at the Jayhawk camper in the ghetto (ie the trailer park just outside the state park we camp in).  Stacey and I cracked up at the thought of the girls plotting while they were swimming.  Who was going to ask?  Did we need to look pretty so they couldn't say no?  Stacey and I just thought that nana and papa would think that we had put them up to the task.  So the dinner time comes and nana and papa come over for the fish fry.  Ella looked right at nana and said "can we spend the night at your camper?"  Nana said to ask papa and Ella did what any good granddaughter would, "papa nana said we could spend the night at your camper." 

So bags packed, they headed for a night of fun with nana and papa while Stacey and I sat back and opened an adult beverage to enjoy a night without kids.  A win win for all in my opinion (nana and papa might disagree).

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