I met Stacey in December 2001 and by April when he had moved in, I realized that I was living with a hunter. Now many of you may say so what, but let me tell you it is a lifestyle not a hobby. By the fall of 2002 I really knew what I was in for and I loved it! I love spending time with Stace, but I really enjoy the fall when he can be gone up to 3 or 4 nights a week and the opening weekend deer camp trip (now in fairness I will say that since he started the Taxidermy and we had kids, his hunting days have been cut down some). It was our bestman Doug who said at our wedding, "usually Stacey would have a girlfriend and then October would come around and by the winter he no longer had a girlfriend so when Stephanie was still around in the winter we knew she was a keeper."
Before kids my "hunting days" were spent watching my football games (ie not MU), girly movies, organizing parts of the house (yes I do enjoy doing that and yes I know it is a sickness), shopping with my friends and mom, and anything I wanted to do. Not too much has changed for my hunting days now that the kids have come along except to say that yes pancakes can be dinner and yes you can just eat noodles and butter and call it a meal :).
Now I look forward to the day when Stacey and the girls all go hunting and I will be the one to sacrifice and stay at home. Just imagine a whole day or weekend with everyone gone and just me at the house (hey a girl can dream can't she).
We will miss you this fall hunny, but good luck! Oh yeah and when are you taking the girls hunting :)
To all you hunters out there, best of luck this season and if you should get the big one I know a great taxidermist that can help you out :).
To all the hunting widows, enjoy the season and happy shopping, eating, or just laying around.
It all began almost five years ago, when Stacey and I welcomed our two beautiful daughters into the world. They were, and continue to be, our pride and joy. We were so neive to think that raising twins would not be that bad, after all there are two of them and two of us. Boy were we wrong.
September 29, 2011
September 24, 2011
A Little Family Time
Every September since they were born, Stacey and I have taken the girls on a vacation to Colorado. Each year has had its ups and downs. The first year they were so off their schedule that they only way they would nap was if we drove. The second year they were walking and we were trying to be supportive of their independence, but wow it took forever to get anywhere. Last year they hiked liked little champs putting in about 3 miles in one day.
This year we were expecting that things would be about the same, but they always find a way to surprise us. I am positive we were the only ones who had to sing songs while we hiked. I never saw another girl dance her way down a hiking trail. I am 100% sure people thought we were nuts hiking in the rain while our girls giggled and laughed.
Here are a few things the girls taught me on vacation this year
1. If you going to write your letters you better, better start them at the top.
2. A walk and a hike are the same thing to a four year old and don't try to tell them otherwise.
3. If you go into a store you must buy something, anything, just buy something.
4. Songs make a hike go by faster and it is even better when strangers join in the song.
5. Rain makes the best weather to hike in and you can jump in puddles.
6. Trucks can be fun to ride in and it is amazing how many toys fit in a back seat.
7. There is nothing better then sitting by a fire and watching elk as a family.
8. You must always say good night to the Elk before going to sleep.
9. Promising to go to the playground will get girls to do just about anything.
10. 9 nights in a camper bring you closer as a family
I can sum up this year's vacation as being fun, trying, and just plain perfect!
This year we were expecting that things would be about the same, but they always find a way to surprise us. I am positive we were the only ones who had to sing songs while we hiked. I never saw another girl dance her way down a hiking trail. I am 100% sure people thought we were nuts hiking in the rain while our girls giggled and laughed.
Here are a few things the girls taught me on vacation this year
1. If you going to write your letters you better, better start them at the top.
2. A walk and a hike are the same thing to a four year old and don't try to tell them otherwise.
3. If you go into a store you must buy something, anything, just buy something.
4. Songs make a hike go by faster and it is even better when strangers join in the song.
5. Rain makes the best weather to hike in and you can jump in puddles.
6. Trucks can be fun to ride in and it is amazing how many toys fit in a back seat.
7. There is nothing better then sitting by a fire and watching elk as a family.
8. You must always say good night to the Elk before going to sleep.
9. Promising to go to the playground will get girls to do just about anything.
10. 9 nights in a camper bring you closer as a family
I can sum up this year's vacation as being fun, trying, and just plain perfect!
September 7, 2011
A Shout Out to Stacey
Our life is crazy busy and the girls are not even involved in much yet. With so much going on it is easy to overlook the best thing that happened to me, Stacey. Eight years ago I married my best friend and life, no matter how crazy it gets, he is the bright spot in my day. So today's blog post goes out to Stacey!
Many dads I know are not as involved as Stacey. He was a good sport when the girls dance class got moved to Tuesday nights and he got to be the one to get the girls ready and take them to dance for at least half the classes if not more. Add in the fact that he is solely responsible for the girls at least 1 night a week and you have Super Dad! It should be no surprise that the one time he goes out of town, Ella stares out the window and cries for her snuggle buddy. I am happy to say that WE are raising our kids and he has been in it every step of the way from the first night (truth be told some weeks he sees them more then me). The girls will someday realize how lucky they are to have such a great dad. Plus seeing him in action with the girls is one of the things I love the most about him.
We don't always get to spend as much time together as we would like, but we always have fun and find a reason to laugh. After all if we can't laugh at ourselves and each other I don't know that we would make it day to day.
He is so understanding of my 5 phone calls a day with my mother, he helps to cook dinner almost every night (if he does not make it alone), he makes sure that I never have to get in a cold car, and he always listens to my rants and gossip that I just have to share, he makes breakfast on the weekends, he tolerates my busy schedule knowing how much I love my job, and so much more that I can not even think of right now.
I am a lucky woman to share my life with such a great man. I love you babe and agree we have it pretty good :)
Many dads I know are not as involved as Stacey. He was a good sport when the girls dance class got moved to Tuesday nights and he got to be the one to get the girls ready and take them to dance for at least half the classes if not more. Add in the fact that he is solely responsible for the girls at least 1 night a week and you have Super Dad! It should be no surprise that the one time he goes out of town, Ella stares out the window and cries for her snuggle buddy. I am happy to say that WE are raising our kids and he has been in it every step of the way from the first night (truth be told some weeks he sees them more then me). The girls will someday realize how lucky they are to have such a great dad. Plus seeing him in action with the girls is one of the things I love the most about him.
We don't always get to spend as much time together as we would like, but we always have fun and find a reason to laugh. After all if we can't laugh at ourselves and each other I don't know that we would make it day to day.
He is so understanding of my 5 phone calls a day with my mother, he helps to cook dinner almost every night (if he does not make it alone), he makes sure that I never have to get in a cold car, and he always listens to my rants and gossip that I just have to share, he makes breakfast on the weekends, he tolerates my busy schedule knowing how much I love my job, and so much more that I can not even think of right now.
I am a lucky woman to share my life with such a great man. I love you babe and agree we have it pretty good :)
September 2, 2011
My Promise to My Girls
My name is Stephanie and I am addicted to social media. There I said it and it makes me feel a little better. Sure I have Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, a blog, Snapfish, and those are just the ones I look at each day. So it should come as no surprise that I have been fascinated by the talk around the book "Maggie Goes On A Diet." I usually open minded and really pay little attention to taking a stance on something like this, but I am going to make an exception.
I knew almost 5 years ago what I was getting into when we found out we were having two girls. I would be the one to potty train, do most of the bathing, not be able to sit and eat a meal without having to take a child to the restroom at least 4 times, I will have to have "the talk", deal with women issues, and so much more. I was willing to handle all that (although let's be honest when we found out we were having two girls it was a little late to decide that I would be ok with all of this).
I was raised to be happy with who I am and to have a strong sense of self. I have never been a true girly girl (I love to get all dolled up but on any given weekend you will find me hair in a pony tail, no make-up, and a swim suit). Like me for who I am or don't either way I am fine with it (thanks mom!).
Already we get the questions like "mom why is that girl wearing her underway to the store (loudly of course in the Wal-Mart line)?" I was prepared and think I did a good job of responding by saying "hunny everyone dresses a little different from one another and that is ok."
Fast forward to last week and thank goodness the girls were not in the car with me when I saw someone walking down the road, looking like what can only be described as wearing a hooker type outfit (oh you all know what I am talking about), when I found myself saying "you be lookn' like a ho" (although I did not roll down my window and yell such).
I began to wonder if I was really ready to set a good example for my girls. So when I read about this book and know of all the issues that girls grow up having to deal with, it can be a little scary. My friend Amy wrote a great blog post and it got me to thinking. So here is what I promise to you Ella and Grace (with at least a few readers to remind me of this promise):
I knew almost 5 years ago what I was getting into when we found out we were having two girls. I would be the one to potty train, do most of the bathing, not be able to sit and eat a meal without having to take a child to the restroom at least 4 times, I will have to have "the talk", deal with women issues, and so much more. I was willing to handle all that (although let's be honest when we found out we were having two girls it was a little late to decide that I would be ok with all of this).
I was raised to be happy with who I am and to have a strong sense of self. I have never been a true girly girl (I love to get all dolled up but on any given weekend you will find me hair in a pony tail, no make-up, and a swim suit). Like me for who I am or don't either way I am fine with it (thanks mom!).
Already we get the questions like "mom why is that girl wearing her underway to the store (loudly of course in the Wal-Mart line)?" I was prepared and think I did a good job of responding by saying "hunny everyone dresses a little different from one another and that is ok."
Fast forward to last week and thank goodness the girls were not in the car with me when I saw someone walking down the road, looking like what can only be described as wearing a hooker type outfit (oh you all know what I am talking about), when I found myself saying "you be lookn' like a ho" (although I did not roll down my window and yell such).
I began to wonder if I was really ready to set a good example for my girls. So when I read about this book and know of all the issues that girls grow up having to deal with, it can be a little scary. My friend Amy wrote a great blog post and it got me to thinking. So here is what I promise to you Ella and Grace (with at least a few readers to remind me of this promise):
- I will raise you to have self-confidence and be happy with the person you choose to become.
- I will never knowingly let you out of the house wearing anything that would make someone wonder if you were a hooker or make them want to yell "you be lookn' like a ho"
- I will teach you to respect that everyone looks different because god wanted to teach us acceptance of others.
- I will teach you that you can look just as good in a black tie affair dress and a pair of pj's with no make up.
- I will teach you to respect yourself so that others will respect you.
- I will teach you that you are the most beautiful person in the world and not to let anyone tell you other wise.
- I will teach you that you don't have to look like a particular image to be happy with who you are.
- I will teach you that when your daughter asks why you have a roll on your tummy to respond that it was because your perfect stomach was taken away by growing two little girls in your tummy, who now occupy all your time so that you can't do the workout that you want to get back that flat stomach. (ok who I am kidding that is really my lesson to myself and who I am kidding to think that I will ever look the same as I did prior to having the girls).
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