Family comes first for me, it always has and always will. I have never missed anything important for the girls due to work, and I don't plan on it. All that being said, there is a four year old girl at home who knows how to make her mommy feel bad for working late.
My job has crazy hours and it is pretty common for me to work at 12 hour day at least once a week. Sure some weeks I am home every night and other weeks I have two or three late nights. And don't even get me started about my hours during a school election. Despite all of that, I love my job!
When Stacey and I started talking about having kids I made it clear that I was going to be a working mom. I think that you can do both successfully and don't have to give anything up to be good at both. Once the girls were born I made adjustments to my schedule to spend more time at home. Gone were the days of going to almost any Fort Osage School program. Gone were the days of working two and three nights a week. Gone were the days of leaving the house at 6:15 and coming home about 6. Welcome to the world of working at home after the kids go to bed and learning to delegate.
Now don't get me wrong, the girls loving being home with daddy and having special dinners with him (usually they get to choose to eat what they want and they love that). They have heard from me since they were young that mommy helps kids and schools and sometimes that means being at work until they are in bed. Most of the time it works out...not tonight. I made my usual call home to see how there day was. Ella was all talks about what was taking place at the minute and what they had for lunch (heck she is my kid and the day is all about what you eat). Grace gets on the phone and sounds so sad. When I asked her what was wrong she said, "I just miss you so much." Now Grace is my drama queen and she really was fine as soon as I hung up the phone (at least that is what I am going to tell myself). However, it still makes you feel bad when you can't be there to snuggle before bed or read the story or even tuck them into bed.
Well miss Grace you will get over it and we can have the same talk next week when I am gone Monday night, but for tonight..... Mommy loves you! Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! Snuggle in and mommy will give you hugs and kisses when I get home!
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